
Preschool enrollment is for children that are 2.5 years old by September 30. Exceptions may be made at the school’s discretion. Three options are available: A five-day per week, full-day program (8:30 am – 3:00 pm); a three-day per week, full-day program (8:30 am – 3:00 pm); and a three-day per week, half-day program (8:30 am – 12:00 pm), with the option for adding “Lunch Bunch” until 1:00 pm. Children enrolled in full-day programs may also participate in the Before and After School Program (as early as 7:00 am and as late as 6:30 pm).

The curriculum focuses on creating an exciting and joyful first exposure to learning:

Emotional/social development: Listening, expressing ideas and feelings, interacting and sharing with peers, turn-taking, accepting responsibility, respecting others and resolving conflict peacefully.

Early academic learning: Language development, letter recognition, counting, creating patterns, one to one number correspondence, sequencing, recalling and augmenting a story, making and drawing scientific and artistic observations.

Physical development: Fostering fine and gross motor skills, large muscle development through outdoor play and music-connected movement, large and small block building, and physical safety.

Creative expression: Drawing, singing, dancing, dramatic play and telling and acting out stories.